Day 2 of the Provinical Chapter in Nemi, Italy. The Province begins going through a discussion of each house – Intention: Superiors of the Order of the Mercedarian Family

We proceeded with the reports of the United States, India, and the provincial economy, followed by questions from the floor. Running ahead of schedule, we then continued with the other reports, with periodic pauses and breaks for meals and prayer. The reports given, but not necessarily in this order, were:
• Alghero – Fr. Eugenio Caramia
• Vocational promotion in Italy – Fr. Nunzio Masiello
• Calgliari – Salvatore Mura
• Carpignano – Fr. Nicola Di Rienzo
• Florence – Fr. Dino Lai
• Naples – Fr. Tonino Miliddi
• Nemi – Fr. Nicola Bocuzzo
• Orvieto – Fr. Antonio Lattarulo
• Padua – Fr. Eraclio Contu
• Palermo – Fr. Aurelio Monasso
After each four to five reports, there were opportunities to ask questions or request clarifications on the reports.
We then ended the day of work with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass followed by supper.
N.B. – If anyone wishes to send a formal message to the Chapter, please send messages to the following email address:
Again, we thank you for your prayerful support.
More to come in the following days…