June 6, 2012
Wednesday of the 9th Week of Ordinary Time
Day 5 – Intention: The deceased of the triennium
After praying the Office of Readings, Lauds, and meditation, and after eating breakfast, we began the work of chapter at 8:45am.
After the ritual prayers to the Holy Spirit, the day began with the approval of the minutes from the previous day and the reading of several greetings and well wishes. We also acknowledged the birthday of Fr. Aurelio Monasso, who is with us at chapter.

We then continued the small group discussion begun on the previous day. The fruit of the group discussion was then presented to the entire assembly for further discussion and clarification. The group leaders and the secretary would then meet to consolidate the points discussed in the assembly. We ended the morning session with a prayer to prepare for dinner and the afternoon pause.
The afternoon session began, as always, with the prayers to the Holy Spirit, followed by various greetings sent to the chapter. We then continued work within the chapter assembly, later splitting into another phase of the group discussion. The group discussions convene late in the afternoon as we prepared for Vespers and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Tomorrow we should complete this phase of the chapter, moving into the election phase of the chapter.
May the intercession of our Mother of Mercy, and reception the Body and Blood of Christ, keep us all united in mind and spirit. God Bless.