Sodality of the Scapular

Redemptionem misit Dominus populo suo

(The Lord has sent redemption to His people)

Mercedarian founder and saints
The Sodality provides a constant presence and contribution of the laity in corporal and spiritual works.

The Sodality of the Scapular is a spiritual organization of lay faithful, who have a special devotion to Our Lady, under the title of Our Lady of Mercy, and who desire to be spiritually united to the work of the Friars in the ransoming of Christian captives, in danger of apostasy.

Unique to the Order of Mercy has been the constant presence and contribution of the laity in the corporal and spiritual works of the Order. (See Apostolates — Third Order.) In keeping with this perennial tradition, the members of the Sodality seek to be close to the Friars by means of prayer. The outward sign of this devotion is the constant wearing of the white Scapular. This devotional practice not only marks the Christian as sharing in the spiritual benefits and daily sacrifices of the Order, but it, even more importantly, serves as a Marian badge upon the person, indicating to the world a filial and pious love for the Blessed Mother.

To share in the spiritual benefits of the Order, members of the Sodality pledge to pray daily One Our Father, One Hail Mary, One Glory Be, and one Hail, Holy Queen, for the works of the Order, for the persecuted and suffering Church throughout the world, and for the intentions of the Holy Father. Furthermore, members pledge to attend Mass on the fourth Saturday of the month, offering prayers for the Christian captives.

Finally, every Wednesday, in keeping with the custom of the Order, the Novena to Our Lady of Mercy is offered, wherein the members may add their own personal intentions, uniting them to the daily prayers and sacrifices of the Friars.


Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, O most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O Clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.

O God, who by means of the most glorious Mother of Thy Son, was pleased to give new offspring to Thy Church for the deliverance of Christians from the power of the heathen: grant we beseech Thee, that we too, who love and honor Her as the foundress of so great a work, may by her merits and intercession be ourselves delivered from all our sins and from the bondage of the evil one. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Devotion of the Scapular

Mercedarian Scapular
The Scapular is an outward sign of one's consecration to the Blessed Mother of Mercy.

The devotion of the Scapular emerged in the Middle Ages as a way for the lay faithful to bind themselves to the spirituality of the particular religious Community. From the very beginnings, the Mercedarian Scapular was an outward sign of one’s consecration and filial devotion to the Blessed Mother of Mercy and her call to work for the captive Chrisitans.

Furthermore, the laity were an integral part in the redemptive mission and, thus, clothed in the scapular, shared in the spiritual benefits of the Order.

Order of Mercy

Virgen Merced, of Toluca, México
The laity have been an integral part in the redemptive mission of the Order.

The Order of Mercy was founded in 1218 for the redemption of Christian captives enslaved under the yoke of the Mohammedans. The Order, for nearly eight hundred years, has offered to the Church her sons, even to martyrdom, for the defense of the Faith. St. Peter Nolasco, Father and Founder, continues to inspire this self-gift in the various apostolic ministries of the Order, all for the salvation of Christian souls.

Read more about who the Mercedarians are.

This page in a PDF pamphlet form: “Sodality of the Scapular”

PDF prayer card, “Scapular Investment BVM Mercy

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14 thoughts on “Sodality of the Scapular”

  1. Hello,

    My name is Ron Augustine. I am an U.S. citizen living in:

    655 Promenade
    Apt 3068
    Irving, Texas

    May I please kindly request for a White Scapular of Our Lady of Mercy?

    Please do take your time delivering the item if the White Scapular of Our Lady of Mercy request may be granted.

    I hope my request will not be of any trouble or burden anyone.

    Faithfully yours in Christ,
    Ron Augustine

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