Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy —
to Lose One’s Self in Mary to Glorify Jesus

Our Heritage

Mercedarian sister in the chapel
Living as little ones

Founded by Venerable Mother Theresa of Jesus Bacq (b. 1825 – d. 1896), in Nancy, France in 1864. Guided by the Spirit always toward new ways, in Mother Theresa the “fiat” of Mary is confirmed.

Our Spirit and Life

Religious profession is the act which you, through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience ratify your commitment of the gift of yourself in holiness to God, to His Church and to our Congregation.

The Promise of Dedication is unique to our religious family. Responding to the demands of mercy and the spirit of Mother Theresa of Jesus, on the day of your perpetual profession, you are consecrated by a solemn promise, to the spiritual and temporal welfare of all those for whom the apostolic activities of our Congregation are destined.

Our Habit

Mercedarian sisters offer the gifts at Mass
The habit is the external sign of belonging to the Congregation
  • An expression of the state of life embraced by the Sisters.
  • The external sign of belonging to the Congregation which speaks of the Sister’s life of poverty and simplicity.
  • Consists of a simple, ankle-length, white tunic and belt, scapular and a black veil. A white rosary is worn on the right side. The professed Sisters wear the Mercedarian emblem with a crucifix upon the scapular.

Our Service

As Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (Mercedarian Sisters), we are committed to communicate to all the world the freedom of the merciful love of Christ, Who delivers us from every earthly captivity. We accomplish this apostolic action in nine countries through:

Mercedarian sisters and friars
Attaining holiness with our brothers and sisters.

As a community, we have:

Our Formation as Sisters

The purpose of religious formation is the preparation of authentically consecrated women; that is, true women of God who, through total dedication in love, intend to live the ideal proposed by our Mother Foundress: to be the presence and gift of His merciful love in the Church.

The Postulancy:

The Novitiate:

Our Mission

Mercedarian Sister at the altar rail
Ratify your commitment of the gift of yourself

Venerable Theresa of Jesus learned to follow Christ realistically by discovering the price of that love.  Her idea: to lose oneself in the abyss of Mary’s heart in order to love and glorify Jesus,is still lived out today through, with and in her daughters, the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. For more than one hundred and thirty years, we, through works of mercy and charity have carried out our charism of liberation of captives on five continents. Today, over six hundred Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy live as little ones among the little ones of the Lord; loving completely, simply and joyfully.  We have committed ourselves to attaining Mother Theresa’s ideal in our own time: to represent everywhere acceptance, witness and the gift of God’s merciful love in order to attain holiness with our brothers and sisters.

If you are called to live a Mercedarian religious life, following the paths of Jesus and Mary in the footsteps of Mother Theresa of Jesus, please write or call:

Vocation Directress
Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy
1941 Wynnewood Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19151

Tel. (215) 427-3261

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to Lose One’s Self in Mary to Glorify Jesus”

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