Priestly Ordination: Deacon David Spencer, O. de M. to become “alter Christus”

The Order of BVM of Mercy announces the Ordination of one of it’s own. On Saturday, November 16th Deacon David will be Ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in his home town of Norfolk, VA.

Br David with the youth of the parish.
Br David with the youth of the parish.

As Catholics, we believe that the ministerial priesthood was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper. There he commissioned those he had chosen to act in His person when administering the Sacraments. The Sacrament of Holy Orders places an indelible mark on the soul of the man ordained. He is able to act in persona Christi or in the place of Christ. Mercedarian priests focus their priestly ministry specifically at the service of those in danger of losing their faith from modern forms of captivity.

The soon to be Father David entered the Order in the fall of 2005 as a postulant. In 2007, he made his first vows. After completing his studies at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Br David received his Master of Divinity and MA in Theology. In September of 2012, he made his Solemn Profession in the Order. April 2013, Br. David became a transitional deacon.

506px-Holy_Orders_PictureSince 2012, Deacon David has been assigned to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Philadelphia. He has been serving at the parish as director of religious education and youth director as well as a variety of other tasks. After Ordination, Fr David will begin his priestly ministry as parochial vicar of the Our Lady of Lourdes.

Please keep our brother in your prayers as he becomes “another Christ” to serve especially those in danger of losing their faith.

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