Third Order in Tampa Bay has Lenten Retreat

Wherever the Mercedarian Friars are in the world one is likely to find groups of dedicated lay people living “the redemptive spirit”. Among the most important of these is the Third Order. This confraternity of lay mercedarians are found in several parts of the United States including: LeRoy( NY), Philadelphia, Cleveland, St. Petersburg, and Atlanta.

The Constitutions of the Order tell us that the Third Order is “an association of lay people integrated into the Mercedarian family, which participates in the redemptive spirit.” (Constitutions of the Order of the B.V.M. of Mercy, #117). Members of the Third Order know and cherish the spiritual treasure of the Order so they are able to realize the Mercedarian ideal, according to the directives of the Church and of the Order, in keeping with the circumstances of each country. Here is some local activities of our Thrid Order in St. Petersburg, Florida:

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